Our Approach

ODW Consulting (ODWC) is a consulting firm with extensive experience in statistical reform and open data policies and practices. ODWC assists clients to improve legal and policy frameworks, management and organizational structures, data collection and compilation capabilities, staff capabilities, organizational innovations, and information systems capabilities of the organization. ODWC staff and consultants draw on experience from distinguished careers to offer clients the assistance needed to achieve local priorities in alignment with international standards.

Our Story

ODWC staff and consultants have distinguished careers in national statistical agencies, international organizations, regional agencies, and academia. They have worked on over 100 countries worldwide, including China, Indonesia, Mongolia, Russia, India, Nigeria, Namibia, and many others. They have provided support and advice to these countries in many areas of official statistics. ODWC staff and consultants have developed statistical capacity with partners such as national statistical offices (NSOs), the World Bank, African Development Bank (AfDB), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), and others.

They have managed large and small scale projects and performed technical work in improving national accounts, development of questionnaires and sampling frames for household surveys and performed estimates of poverty lines. They have advised countries in developing labor force surveys and improvement of agricultural statistics. They have managed implementation of large-scale systems projects for the management and worldwide dissemination of data and metadata.


Misha Belkindas

Misha V. Belkindas


Dr. Misha V. Belkindas, IAOS President (2021-2023) is the Managing Director of ODW Consulting with over three decades of experience in the development of statistical capacity building programs around the world. Prior to founding ODW Consulting, Dr. Belkindas developed and led the World Bank’s lending program for statistical capacity building, STATCAP; led the creation of trust funds, such as Statistics for Results Facility and Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Building; and guided the creation of the International Comparison Program’s round 2005 and initiation of round 2011. He also is a co-founder of the NGO Open Data Watch and serves on its board.

ODWC Associates and Consultants have significant working experience in all the regions of the world.